FODMAP Friendly Vegan Recipes
When I was little, I was diagnosed with IBS - luckily for me, this mostly not a big deal, as long as I keep my stress under control and don't try to eat bean burgers with houmous and onion rings, or anything with corn syrup in! Unfortunately, the past few months have been very stressful, so I have committed to doing the full FODMAP elimination and reintroduction. I'll be uploading recipes from the elimination, reintroduction, and beyond. I'll try to get photos of what I can, but as we're also in the process of moving, many recipes might not get photos right away.
I'm using the University of Monash FODMAP app, which is really useful for keeping on top of everything, so recipes which are tagged as 'low fructan' or 'low GOS' will mean the ingredients are in the green range according to the app.
I hope this will be a useful resource for any vegans/vegetarians trying to manage the elimination phase, and IBS in general! If there's anything in particular you would like to see which could make things easier, please let me know in the comments...
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